Was Julia Roberts Pregnant During the Making of Eat Pray
Kirschen Katz traveled with Julia Roberts while filming "Eat, Pray, Love."
We all know the story of "Eat, Pray, Love." It was the autobiographical tale of writer Elizabeth Gilbert hitting a low point in her life and venturing to Italy, India and Bali to find herself. That book was later turned into a movie starring Julia Roberts. In both the film and book, yoga became important to the "main character." So, Roberts needed an on-set instructor during filming, and it wasKirschen Katz who landed the gig.
Now a bonafide celebrity yoga instruction, Katz has worked with Julia Roberts and Isla Fisher and currently instructs Reese Witherspoon, Michelle Williams, and Laura Dern. She is also the appointed Yoga Advisor for Matthew McConaughey's "Just Keep Livin" foundation, where she teaches yoga and speaks to inner-city youth at underprivileged schools across Los Angles.
But I was most curious about her time hitting the road with Roberts as her dedicated one-on-one yoga instructor getting to see some of the most stunning sights in the world. Here's what she had to say.
Q: How did you become a celeb yoga teacher?
A: I was living at Hualalai Four Seasons in Kona, Hawaii when my marriage crumbled. I had signed a prenup and returned to LA. Now 42, devastated, and needing to reinvent myself quickly, I was having my hair done while sharing my story. A woman (angel) was listening, came up to me, handed me her card, and asked me to teach her yoga privately. She was Natalie Garner — her husband, Todd Garner, is a successful producer — and she introduced me to two lovely friends, both of whom are still my clients fourteen years later: Jenny Belushi, (Jim Belushi's wife), and Shannon Rotenberg, whose husband, Michael, is a manager. They introduced me to Julia Roberts and Reese Witherspoon. My business is referral based, and the entertainment industry in LA is quite small, word travels quickly, and I have a strong work ethic. It is a winning combination!
Q: One of those opportunities was to travel with Julia Roberts while she filmed "Eat, Pray, Love" What was that like?
A: In the beginning, our goal was for Julia to practice yoga and pranayama (breathing) one hour a day, and her shooting schedule was never the same, so we had to be quite flexible with that. Most days, we were able to accomplish this. But there were many days on set that if we got in a solid 20 minutes of yoga between scenes, we were grateful. Sometimes, we were challenged by hair and makeup. We would have to be extra careful not to disturb her hair or her makeup, which rules out any vigorous practice such as sun salutes or inversions. So, I would teach more of an Iyengar based style (long holds and alignment) during those sessions. In addition to teaching yoga, I was training her to compete in her first half marathon, so we spent time running around those beautiful cities.
Q: What were the highlights for you?
A: First, I love every page of Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, Love," so I knew the story. Second, I love the actress that played her! My client. Third, it was my first movie set experience and it is truly fascinating how movies get made. Fourth, Julia put me in the movie! We were in Delhi, India when she called me to the set while they were shooting her wedding scene, and the next thing I know, I'm in several shots.
Q: What was your favorite destination during filming?
A: All three destinations (one month in each: Rome, India, and Bali) were new to me, and each country is so fantastically unique. But when our plane landed in Bali, and I took a huge breath of that gorgeous air, I was hypnotized. From the moment we arrived at the Four Seasons Ubud, I was enchanted. My room reminded me of an elegant treehouse. Shopping in Seminyak, dining at my favorite French restaurant Metis, visiting sacred temples, and exploring the island kept me busy. And who doesn't love Monkey Jungle! I visited four times. And the Balinese locals couldn't have been more kind and helpful. The most magical part of Bali was after our entire crew relocated to the Four Seasons Jimbaran Bay, Julia generously treated my now-husband, David, to a trip. She released me from my final ten days. We loved our villa, which came with a private swimming pool, which David lived in, except when we would go surfing at the famous break, Uluwatu or swimming at Padang Padang. So grateful to have had this truly exotic, incredible adventure.
Q: What sort of yoga routine would you do with Julia?
A: With most of my clients, we have developed a strong, beautiful, vinyasa flow practice. She is no exception. And she's game for anything. Vinyasa yoga is this lovely yoga dance where you link asana (poses) together and move through them continuously and consciously. With Julia, I would incorporate many inversions and arm balances: handstands, wall dog, pincha mayurasana (forearm stand), and bakasana (crow). Powerful poses for a powerful woman. FYI: Actors have grueling hours, so for several weeks of the film they were shooting through the night. She is a dedicated yogi, and we would practice at midnight!
Q: What are some of your top travel yoga moves?
A: Of course, let's not forget our mat! My mat travels with me everywhere. Every hour or so I'm on a plane, I get up and stretch. Our psoas (hip flexors) gets super tight on an extended flight in a seated position, and I have a damaged one to boot. King dancer takes care of that. Wherever I can carve out space, I practice my little yoga routine. I start with arm circles, one at a time, in both directions x 4, and then move to Warrior 1 and 2. Add Trikonasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, and then a standing pigeon. I'll wrap things up with a long Uttanasana, and finally Malasana, excellent for stretching out our lower back. At terminals, while waiting for flights, I'll create a sacred space in a corner, roll out my mat, and do sun salutes and handstands.
When I arrive at my destination, I generally do my practice at six in the morning, which lasts an hour. It becomes more of an Iyengar practice (long holds) rather than my normal vinyasa flow, so I can work on all the poses that challenge me. Then I crawl into bed next to my husband and take an extended Shavasana until nine.
Was Julia Roberts Pregnant During the Making of Eat Pray
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jordilippemcgraw/2019/12/19/julia-roberts-eat-pray-love-yoga-teacher-reveals-filming-secrets/