Jobmonster Wordpress Theme Free Download
Jobmonster is a professional job bulletin board and theme with a modern, clean, intuitive and fully responsive design that looks perfect on any device.
This is the result of years of development and market research. The theme covers the full range of needs of employers and job seekers.
The Jobmonster – Job Board WordPress Theme is made with the business in mind to bring together recruiters and candidates into a single bulletin board with job offers.
Jobmonster Theme is developed according to the advanced technologies and attention to small details containing excellent properties and aesthetics. Jobmonster – would be the best choice for a professional website for job offers.
⭐See also: General free premium WordPress Theme, updated daily
Features Jobmonster – Job Board WordPress Theme

- Added tons of new powerful features, especially with resume details and job details
- New version will support free open source Google Maps and Bing Maps which is very helpful in Work location for accurate results
- Jobmonster provides a lot of powerful functions in Job listing, Company List, Job Details, Resume List, Resume Details.
- Recruiter management dashboard including Task management, apps, messages, shortlists, advanced filters, and more. Regarding the Candidate dashboard, you can easily manage your Resume, Applications, Job Alerts, bookmarks, tracking, etc.
- Employers and candidates just need to submit and edit jobs directly on the frontend after the steps of submitting and selecting a job is the best.
- Jobmonster gives user more options in job listing page including send to friends, save, share, email me jobs like this etc.
- Add a new search style of search filter that makes it easy to filter jobs by category, type, location, tag, distance, and more.
- Jobmonster allows users to smoothly manage jobs, resumes and other related job fields by providing specific custom fields for Job, Resume, Candidate and Application sign.
- Both Candidates and Employers can easily find what they need with many specific fields in advanced search including keyword, location, category and you can change the search fields by his liking.
- WooCommerce Integration: Best eCommerce WordPress plugin that allows users to easily build bundles, create add-ons for bundles, sell packages with more payment gateways including Paypal, main card
- Integrate Slider Revolution, WPBakery Page Builder, Elementor, WPML, etc.
Changelog Jobmonster – Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled Free
= v4.6.7.2 Dec 28,2020 = - Small fix style issues = v4.6.7 Dec 15,2020 = - Fix Icon Picker issues = v4.6.6.3 = - Remove Custom Favicon setting, switch to use Site Icon in 'Customizer -> Site Identity' - Remove Mailchimp API key setting, switch to require use MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress plugin - Small fixes and improvements v4.6.5.2 Aug 24,2020 - Fix Job Description can't save - Fix Job Archive page not show Custom Content. v4.6.5 - Aug 21,2020 - Tested with WordPress 5.5 - Remove Jobs/Resume Half Map style - Fix Job Expired still view single - Fix Jobs/Resumes filter button on mobile - Style 404 page - Style Member table list v4. May 26,2020: - [Fix] Search form. v4.6.0.8 May 25,2020: - [Add] Chosen js for type multiselect - [Add] Order by Featured Job - [Add] Resume Posting Limit. - [Fix] Job Package - Can view Resume . - [Fix] Type DatePicker. - [Fix] Layout job grid. - [Fix] Print button on Resume and text repeat on Manage Job page.
⭐See also: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily
Download Jobmonster Theme v4.6.7.7 Nulled:
Note: Maybe you need unzip before install plugin. Maybe
Jobmonster Wordpress Theme Free Download