How Do I Invite Someone to Like My Facebook Business Page
Interested in getting more likes on your company's Facebook Page? Sometimes, it's as simple as asking. Although organic reach is much more difficult to achieve on Facebook these days, inviting personal friends to like your Facebook Page is still a great way to start building your audience. But what if you're having trouble inviting people? Or what if the people you want to invite aren't your actual Facebook connections?In this post, I'll cover everything you need to know to invite people to like your Facebook Page. The first step towards inviting people to like your Facebook Business Page is, of course, to actually have a Facebook Business page. If you're not there yet, or don't know where to get started with social media, Social Media Management can be a valuable tool for your business. If your Facebook Business Page is set up and ready to go, then read on! To jump to the section you're looking for, just click below: 1. How to Invite Friends to Like a Page Step 1: Go to your company Facebook page, and look at the options just below your cover photo. Do you see those three dots? Click 'em! From there, a list of options will pop up. Step 2: Scroll down that list of options and click "Invite Friends." Another screen will pop up, this one with plenty of options for you to choose from. (Note that different pages may show different options in this list). Step 3: Start looking for the friends you want to invite. There are a few ways you can do this. If you have someone specific in mind, use the search bar to type in the name of your friend. If you want to browse, you'll see a long list of all your Facebook friends, right under the search bar. Left of the search bar, you'll see some options for filtering your friends by groups you're included in. Step 4: Click on the name of the friend you want to invite. Consider your use of the Select All button carefully — are all your friends and acquaintances really interested in your page, or will they be annoyed by being invited to something that is not relevant to them? In addition, the bottom of the invite pop up gives you the option to send invites in Messenger as well. This option can be a good choice to make sure your invites are actually seen — not just lost on the invites page forever. Step 6: Once you've selected all the friends you want to invite, click "Send Invites." There you go—you've invited your friends to like your Facebook page! Step 1: Go to your company Facebook page and scroll over through the menu options until you find "more" and click on it. Step 2: Scroll down through the list of options until you see an option to Grow Your Audience. You'll find the "Invite Friends" button right below that! Not only is it simple, but it's quick, it's typically pretty effective, and it won't cost you anything, except for a few minutes of your time. So if you haven't done this for your business page do it now — and if you haven't done it lately, maybe think about doing it again, inviting your newer Facebook friends into the fold. Check in with your friends individually via message (don't spam a whole list) to see if they got your request, and plead for some page love. Your request for a like may be lost in the sea of other requests they get daily. To check your own list of requests from your friends, check the sidebar of your personal profile. Facebook keeps an ongoing list under "Pages" called "Invites". These are your own pending requests. In networking both online and offline, you have to give to get. First, make sure you're an admin on the page. Is your personal account actually connected to the business page? If you're the one who actually created the page, then this probably isn't the issue, but if someone else created it then you may need to ask that person to add you as an administrator. To invite friends to like a business page, you need to be logged in as a page admin. In the past, users could log in to company pages directly, but today they're only accessible through a page admin's personal account. When it comes to inviting people to like the page, this kind of makes sense: They're your personal friends you're trying to invite, after all—not the business's friends. Can't find a specific friend to invite them? Maybe you' ve already sent them an invitation . When you click the "…" and select Invite Friends, you may not see certain people in that list—and that may be because you've already invited them, and they haven't yet responded. To check, all you need to do is type the person's name in the search bar. Their name should show up in a drop-down slightly grayed out if they've already liked the page. Or, if you scroll through your list of friends, you will see the green checkmark and the word "liked." If they don't show up either place, you may want to confirm that the person is still your friend. But what if I want to invite them again? Well, before we get in to your options, take a moment to make sure you won't be bothering someone by asking them again. If it has been a while (for example, longer than a few months) and they haven't responded, you can reach out to them directly, either on Facebook or through a text or email to ask them again. Just be sure to be respectful! Irritating people won't help you promote your page. Facebook offers a "share" feature which allows you to share your Page multiple ways. Most of the provided options will allow you to reach people who aren't already connected to you personally. Here's how to find your Facebook Page "share" feature on desktop and mobile: Note: If you see a notice at the top of your Page like this... Step 2: Once you click "Share," you'll get another set of options. Most of the options will allow you to reach people who are not connected to you as friends. Try several different options and include a friendly message to earn more page likes, but be sure to keep it non-spammy. For example, consider telling people why you chose to share the page with them, and why you think they'll find value in it. If you choose to share on your own Timeline, you'll need to set the post to "Public" to ensure that everyone will be able to see the post. Step 1: Go to your Page on the mobile app and tap the three dots at the top right of your screen. Step 2:From the list of drop-down options, tap "Share". Step 3:In the mobile app, the default starting point will be sharing to your personal timeline, but you can easily change this. Just tap "Tap to Change" under "Your Timeline", and select where you'd like to share it. Make sure to select "Public" for the privacy setting under your name, too. Most of the options provided will allow you to reach people who are not connected to you as friends. Try several different options, and include a friendly message to entice people to like your Page, but avoid being spammy. If you're sharing your page with people you don't know or who aren't your friends, try to share why you think they'll benefit from it as well. Facebook offers a wide variety of affordable advertising options including the option to promote your Page to increase "likes". If your goal is build your audience quickly this is a fast and easy option and here's where that option is when viewed in the Facebook Business Manager: So, if your goal is getting your Page posts in front of more prospects (how's that for a tongue twister?), evaluate your ultimate marketing objective. If your real goal is getting more visitors to your website or increasing website conversions, allocate your budget to those options instead of focusing on likes. Editor's note: The original version of this post was originally published on 4/4/2012. It has been updated many times, and now includes content originally published as 2 other blog posts along with new content. We redirected the URLs for those 2 posts to this post, so if you came here from a link with a different post title, that's why. The most recent update for this blog occurred in 2020 and includes all available information about recent Facebook changes.
2. Having Trouble Inviting Friends to Like a Page?
3. Inviting People You Don't Know to Like a Page 1. How to Invite Friends to Like a Page
Desktop Instructions
Mobile App Instructions
Step 3: Once you tap the "Invite friends" option, you'll see a list of your friends. Then, you can easily search for friends or scroll through the list and tap "Invite" next to any friends you want to invite. Once you do, the words "Invitation Sent" will appear below their name. It's as simple as that!
Follow Up With Friends Who Haven't Liked Your Page via Direct Message
Many of the comments I've gotten on this topic are asking how to re-invite friends who have not accepted an initial request. According to Facebook, you can't re-invite them until they cancel the current request. And even then, based on our tests, the request may not show up. But, as my Southern mother would say, "there's more than one way to skin a cat." Here's what you can do:
2. Having Trouble Inviting Friends to Like a Page?
Let's troubleshoot it together.
3. Inviting People You Don't Know to Like a Page
Option 1: Using Facebook's "Share" Feature
Sharing a Facebook Page - Desktop Instructions
Step 1:Go to your Page and look for the bar located directly under your cover photo. Look for the "Share" button.
...that means your Page is managed through the Facebook Business Manager. You'll need to click the link provided in Facebook's notice to head over to the Business Manager and complete the remaining steps.
Sharing a Facebook Page - Mobile Instructions
If you're using the Facebook mobile app, the process looks a little different.
Option 2: Using Facebook's "Promote Your Page" Feature
If you use this option, just keep in mind that Facebook is very much a "pay to play" platform for businesses these days. Organic reach for Facebook Pages has dropped over the years, currently reaching only an estimated 2% of those connected with your page.Need more Facebook help? We've got you covered...
How Do I Invite Someone to Like My Facebook Business Page